Starting Strong in 2021

Beginning a new year is as much a matter of Attitude as of Turning-the-Page.

This is something you have control over. Start 2021 prepared and positive. You’ve got this and Happy Holidays!

Something OLD

Aurora Grants & Consulting - Happy Holidays 2020 - Top Grant Writers

Charitable giving is still going to spike during these last weeks of 2020. Create a short, year-end report that emphasizes GOOD NEWS -- no one wants to read any more “Doom and Gloom” stories! Cite some positive metrics (if you have any), talk about what you learned in 2020 and how your nonprofit will start the year leaner, stronger and smarter in 2021! Distribute it to all of your staff (they need uplifting), volunteers, donors – current, past, and potential – current and past clients. Post it on your website and in all of your social media outlets. NOW. And watch the donations come in!  [Note: This will also give you a head start on messaging to use in solicitations and grant requests in January…]

Something NEW

Contingency Planning is a MUST. Plan for at least three of the following scenarios: Business-as-Usual in March; Business-as-Usual in June; Business-as-Usual in September; NO Business-as-Usual in 2021. What will you do in each case? How will this impact your clients? What will your programs look like? Where will your funding come from? Include all stakeholders, talk each scenario through, and write them down!

Something RENEWED

Don’t make the mistake of assuming that the nonprofit field in which you operate hasn’t changed. Look around with fresh eyes. Which players are still there, and what shifts did they make to their services and/or missions in order to survive 2020? What new opportunities for partnerships, MOUs, MOAs or Letters of Collaboration present themselves? How can you better serve your constituents together

2021 planning nonprofit experts recommend finding funders.jpeg
Richard Beeman