A Nonprofit’s Most Visible Asset

What percentage of the organization’s development time and resources are currently being dedicated to managing website content, and is it enough? Is website maintenance a line item in the operating budget? If not, should it be?

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Richard Beeman
The TOMS Formula for Friendraising Events

Friendraising events are most successful when heavily supported by content on the Internet, which means the largest cost will likely be in man-hours expended. However, by hosting a non-fundraising event, you lower the threshold to new “friends” who are potential volunteers, if not future financial donors.

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Richard Beeman
Fundraising Through Social Media – The REAL Story

Yes, we believe that there is value in these online philanthropic campaigns, although not for much longer. Like most things, it’s best if you get in the game early. If you don’t, others will have figured out loopholes or ways to stack the deck, despite all efforts to prevent them from doing so, and winning will become virtually impossible (pun intended).

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Richard Beeman
Does Your Nonprofit Have a Story-Telling Culture?

What is your nonprofit’s Creation Story? Was there a pivotal incident or person(s) whose vision and leadership provided the template for what you do today? Do you celebrate/commemorate these events or people in any way? Is this information posted prominently on your website? Could your staff and volunteers tell a potential donor how and why your nonprofit was born?

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videosRichard Beeman
The Power of Positive Volunteering

What makes these two programs successful is that they both offer a variety of options for volunteers to fulfill and, more importantly, volunteers are able to connect with the clients. When you personally deliver gifts to a refugee family, or serve breakfast to a homeless person, you come to understand the significance of the contribution that you are making, and the fact that the person receiving it really isn’t so different from you. Philanthropy depends as much upon volunteering, as it does on monetary donations.

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Richard Beeman